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As summer comes to a close, we’ll slowly migrate indoors to escape the fall breeze. Preparing for winter hibernation, home improvements and renovations become more appealing. A home should be both functional and relaxing, a place of production and peace. Bathrooms are especially important in serving these dual roles. In the mornings, the washroom is a place of power and presentation. Daily preparation requires multiple bathroom functionalities. However, as the sun sets, the space should also accommodate your need for comfort and de-stressing. Here are some handy ideas for creating the perfect bathroom ambiance for your home.

Focus on designing an inviting atmosphere by choosing joyful furnishings and furniture. Give the space an open feel by utilizing the square footage smartly. Consider a fitted vanity cabinet above the sink. Many manufacturing companies will provide a custom fit for your specific dimensions. See fitted bathroom furniture for large and compact options with a broad range in style designs. Whether you’re looking for a look of luxury, nature, bold, modern, warmth or more distinctive feels, let your imagination run wild because options are available. The right furniture can provide serene organization for all of your daily needs.

Choosing the right door can increase noise privacy and add decorative effects. Consider the wooden residential doors which come in 14 finishes and color varieties. Notice how each color makes you feel in relation to what you want out of your bathroom time.  Utilizing the earth tone colors for doors and natural stone tile for floors will help to create a Zen-like atmosphere.

Explore the many options for an upgraded bathroom by varying your mirror design. With LED lighting see yourself more clearly for shining hygiene and cultivated elegance. There are also several options to consider for size, frames and the number of mirrors on the wall. For the instant feel of a larger space with depth, hang mirrors at an angle to reflect each other.

Using only transparent curtains works well for adding a large-space feel and additional lighting. As a bonus, drops of water are contained better with this material type. For an old-timey feel of luxury, look into freestanding bathtubs. The trend is resurfacing into modern home design. These standalone stubs are perfect for long soaks with aromatherapy salts and oils. Light a few candles for enhanced design and ambiance.

Installing heated towel railings is another great idea that serves both practical and decorative purposes. For minimum cost and effort, you could add these heating rails to provide constantly cozy towels. With chrome and other modern finishes, the heating design can also serve as a decorative focal point. Your guests will be thrilled with the additional convenience of warm towels.

While you’re focused on the temperature and feel, heated flooring has dropped in price and become much easier to install. Provide more at-home comfort and say goodbye to the cold floors. For further, more complex and accommodating bathroom designs, checkout the layout possibilities for multiple installments.

Remember, the restroom should serve functionally and purposefully in meeting all of your daily needs and desires. Take the time to explore the above options to design the right space for you.